| 1. | The nazi ' s cruel treatment of the jews during the second world war is beneath contempt 二战期间纳粹对犹太人的暴行极其可鄙。 |
| 2. | But the globe , a chicago magazine , gave martin the most cruel treatment of all 但是给予马丁最残酷打击的却是一家芝加哥的杂志环球。 |
| 3. | The youngest daughter of a brutal king , the princess openly disapproves of the floggings and cruel treatment her royal family heaps on the peasants 妙庄王灭毗卢国,残忍对待战俘,妙善苦劝,结果惹来妙庄王不满,将其罚充苦役。 |
| 4. | Peta expects more than 1 , 000 participants in amplona this year for the " running of the nudes " their response to the inhumane and cruel treatment of bulls Peta预期今年裸奔节可望有上千名为了他们对公牛不人道及残忍对待的回应的参与者。 |
| 5. | Indian animal rights activists said tuesday they had rescued about 50 snakes from cruel treatment by their owners during an annual festival 8月13日是印度一年一度的蛇节,印度的动物权力保护者称,他们在这一天解救了大约50条蛇,使得它们得以脱离苦海。 |
| 6. | Certainly , his cruel treatment of the natives demonstrates that he shared the current european view that the peoples of the world could be exploited 的确,他对当地土着的残暴行为,印证了他具有那个时代的欧洲人的世界观,就是其他的民族是可以被剥削利用的。 |
| 7. | These pages are about the cruel treatment of dogs and cats in the republic of south korea . . . . . our goal is to prevent this cruelty mainly through public awareness and political pressure 本网站所讨论的是有关南韩残酷对待猫狗这方面…我们的目标是藉著公众醒觉与政策施压两方面来预防残酷之事继续发生。 |
| 8. | Live endangered species must be kept , shipped and cared for as to minimize the risk of injury , damage to health or cruel treatment . shipping arrangements , holding facilities and care of the species must conform to the permit conditions specified by veterinary officer of this department under other legislation , and must also comply with iata live animals regulations for animal transportation 活生濒危物种在饲养、付运及护理方面,均须尽量避免令其受伤、健康受损或被虐待。物种的付运安排、存放设施及护理,均须符合本署兽医官根据其他法例所指定的许可证条件,并须遵守国际航空运输协定中有关运送活生动物的规例。 |